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Staying well hydrated is a must when exercising.

by Claudia Smet 30 Jan 2022 0 Comments

Drinken is belangrijk als je sport

Water is the main component of our body and represents on average 60 to 65% of our weight. Maintaining good hydration is important for the proper functioning of the body and for sports performance.

This water is located either intracellular (the water in the cells) or extracellular (intravascular - the blood - and interstitial - lymphs, tears, etc.). The intracellular fluid makes up two thirds of the total water volume.

The role of staying hydrated during exercise

Water is essential for all bodily functions. Some of these are of fundamental importance for the (endurance) athlete.

After all, moisture:

  • Provides a constant body temperature
  • Irrigates the tissues and supplies them with the nutrients they need
  • Facilitates the digestion of food
  • Is a cofactor in the chemical reactions that make the body work
  • Helps flush out toxins

More is better than a lot

Many think that the amount of moisture counts as the only importance, but nothing could be further from the truth: regularity is better than mass. 1 to 2 sips at a time (5-10 cl) is the benchmark, then your body has time to process the moisture and hydrate to the maximum. If you suddenly drink more, it will take more time to absorb the fluid and you may experience problems.

Drink from minute 1:

Dehydration is a gradual process that can undermine your performance even from the start. During an effort you can lose up to 1 liter of fluid per hour, with the result that your performance can decrease by up to 20% to 30%. So start drinking small sips every 5 minutes from 30 minutes before the start and repeat this throughout the entire effort.

Which drink when?

Svensson Sport drinks are the result of decades of experience with top athletes in the most extreme situations. Follow the advice of the Svensson Hydraplan and find the best drink for your needs.

Drinking tips from Svensson

  • No special drinking regimen is required up to an endurance effort of 1/2 – 1 hour. In many cases, water or Isodrink from Svensson will suffice.
  • If the endurance exercise lasts longer, sports drinks are preferred.
  • Drink about 250 to 500 ml from 1/4-1/2 hours before the start of the endurance exercise.
  • Drink 150 to 200 ml every 15 minutes or every 5 kilometers.
  • Make sure the drink you drink is cool (approx. 12-15°C).
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