Mastering your Internal Clock: Return to Routine and Well-Being

Discover how to control your internal clock and improve your daily routine for a healthier, more vital life. Learn about circadian rhythms, the importance of natural light, and how to optimize your well-being.
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Meester worden van je Interne Klok: Terugkeer naar Routine en Welzijn

Beheer je Interne Klok voor een Gezondere Routine - Ontdek de Kracht van Circadiane Ritmes

Have you just finished your vacation? Or are you one of those who travel outside the usual holiday season? Now, with all the children back in the school routine, you may feel sluggish at the thought of returning to your daily schedule. Perhaps your vacation went smoothly and you are full of energy. In that case, it is valuable to try to hold on to this positive energy for as long as possible for good health and vitality.

Learn to understand your internal clock, that is the key to vitality

Work can come in different forms and at different times, but for many of us, regular workdays are the norm. However, it is important to note that no matter how structured our work hours are, we can affect our vitality through two key factors:

  1. the disruption of our daily routine
  2. the lack of exposure to natural light, which is a challenge for people working in artificially lit spaces.

Did you know that artificial light can disrupt our internal clock for up to three hours?

The relationship between the internal clock and circadian rhythms.

Circadian rhythms are like built-in clocks in our bodies that determine when we feel more active or sleepy during the day. These rhythms are controlled by a kind of 'internal clock' in our brain, specifically in a part called the hypothalamus.

By respecting these cycles, we can better understand our bodies, make the most of our vitality, and develop habits that activate or relax us based on our needs. There is a direct and scientifically proven relationship between circadian rhythm and good sleep, which in turn contributes to general good health.

Circadiane ritmes zijn als de ingebouwde klokken in ons lichaam die bepalen wanneer we ons actiever of slaperiger voelen gedurende de dag

How exactly do these circadian cycles work?

The pineal gland begins to produce melatonin (a hormone that regulates our sleep cycle) in response to the decreasing light, especially at sunset and when the sky becomes darker. This signals to our body that it is time to get sleepy and prepare for rest. In fact, melatonin production usually begins around 9pm. Any disruption to this natural cycle, such as using electronic devices that emit blue light after 9pm, can affect these melatonin production levels.

Also check out the blog about sleep problems

Healthy Routine and Overall Health

Following your circadian rhythms can help you understand your body better and use your energy at the right time, which not only affects your sleep, but also your overall health.

In short, by respecting the rhythms of your internal clock and understanding how they work, you can create a healthier routine, make better use of your energy, and improve the quality of your sleep and overall health.

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