Good preparation while running: tips + free running schedule

Good preparation and planning can save you a lot of stress and give you confidence towards your personal challenge.
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Een goede voorbereiding en een juist voedingspatroon

Good preparation and planning can save you a lot of stress and give you confidence towards your personal challenge. The running season is starting again, and with that comes the necessary preparation. You have to make sure that you can complete your goal without any damage or sports burnout. Whether you want to participate in a 5 km run, marathon or an ultra run, it is absolutely necessary that you know what your body can handle and what is available (sports nutrition) to help you with this. That is often a new area to discover for many.

5 simple tips for good preparation while running.

  1. LISTEN... your body and the signals your body sends out.
  2. REST: As you may know, your body gets stronger when it rests. Just as important as the hard workouts is giving your body the chance to repair itself. This way you prepare your body for the next training session. Fatigue or moodiness are often the signal that rest is needed.
  3. FUEL YOUR BODY: When an athlete who trains multiple times a week combines this with an extreme crash diet, it can turn into a complete disaster. Just as we can’t drive a car with an empty tank, we shouldn’t expect our body to start with an empty tank. Again, this means listening to your body. If you’re hungry, eat, but eat quality nutrients in a balanced ratio. Check out the Svensson running package.
  4. PERIODIZE YOUR TRAINING It is extremely important to periodize and phase your training, this often results in the best performance. You can divide your training into a general preparation phase, a base phase, more specific phases and finally a recovery phase.
  5. DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS Especially on social media. Train according to your own program and according to your own ability.
Looking for nutritional advice for a marathon: click here

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