Do you know what amount of vitamin D3 is best for you?

Action Vitamin D 3

vitamine d 3 winterpakket

Sources of vitamin D 3 in daily life:

Sunlight, oily fish, meat, eggs, (organic) milk, vitamin D-enriched margarine, low-fat margarine and baking and frying products.

When does a vitamin D deficiency occur?

  • If you can't be outside for 15 to 30 minutes every day between 11am and 3pm, the position of the sun is optimal then)
  • If your hands, arms or head are covered when you are outside, there is not enough skin in contact with the sun.
  • If you use a sunscreen/day cream with a high protection factor (SPF) to protect your skin (after all, the cream blocks UV rays).
  • From approximately October to March, because then the number of hours of sunshine and the intensity of UV rays in Central Europe are insufficient to produce enough vitamin D
vitamine d 3 posologie

Other causes of vitamin D deficiency:

  • As you get older, your skin becomes thinner, making it more difficult to produce vitamin D
  • If you have dark skin, because then you produce less vitamin D than someone with lighter skin.
  • Children during growth spurts, because then there is an extra need for vitamin D to support bone formation

Vitamine D 3 1000 IU Vitamine D 3 3000 IU



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