Collection: To walk
Starting Running: Mileage and Stamina
Reach your ultimate mileage goal with Svensson.
Start running ?
Have you been working on 'Start to run' for a while? Do you want to push your limits after the 5 km? Then you may be training hard and testing your limits. Long-distance running includes races of 10 km, 15 km, a half marathon and a full marathon. Each of these distances requires excellent fitness and strong stamina.
Walking has gained in popularity in recent years. The accessible aspect means that many people now practice the sport. A pair of good running shoes and a well-thought-out training schedule are all you need to start running. In just 10 weeks, an inexperienced athlete could already run 5 km. Once you can walk those 5 km without too much effort, you soon feel the urge for more. It is therefore not surprising that more and more long distances are being run after the Start to run hype.
A custom workout if you want to start running.
Anyone who wants to push their limits after the usual 5 km realizes all too well that you have to adjust the training process. Anyone who used to run 5 km quickly before breakfast will soon notice that you cannot run that 10 km flawlessly on an empty stomach. To reach your ultimate mileage goal, you not only have to adjust your training, your nutrition also plays a major role in achieving your goal. Long distance running puts a lot of strain on your body. It is therefore important that you have enough energy before, during and after your performance. Because you are walking longer, your muscles will also get tired. To prevent this, your body needs beta-alanine. This substance counteracts acidification, so that your muscles will tire less quickly.
What should you eat before, during and after a long distance?
Sports nutrition that helps you
As an athlete you always need an optimal variety of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats in order to perform well. Because you demand a lot from your body during long distances, Svensson can help you reach your goal in a healthy and responsible way. Without getting injured. After all, the products have been extensively tested and approved by a team of specialists and athletes who are among the best in the world. For example, they contain 100% pure ingredients and are subject to strict quality control before they reach the shelves. The products are a good addition to a healthy diet and help you reach your goal as an athlete.