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Intermittent fasting: which program suits me best?

by Claudia Smet 09 Feb 2020 0 Comments

The different programs of intermittent fasting.

What schedule should I use for intermittent fasting?

There are several methods that you can apply to intermittent fasting. It all depends on whether you are aiming for weight maintenance or weight loss. You should also choose the program that suits you best. The program must fit within your work and lifestyle. A selection of the possible protocols:

16:8 fasting method

This method means that you do not eat for 16 hours, followed by 8 hours that you do eat. As an example on day 1 your last bite will be at 8pm and your next meal will not be until 12 noon on day 2. The advantage is that this method can be perfectly combined with most work schedules

16:8 vastenmethode

5:2 program

In this protocol you will fast 2 days a week and absorb little or preferably no calories. The other 5 days you eat according to a healthy and balanced diet.

5:2 dieet

The advantage is that you don't have to count calories on the non-fasting days and that you don't have to weigh everything. Tricky is that you plan your 2 fasting days well in advance. This can sometimes be difficult for someone with a hectic schedule.

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4:3 program

This program is often used for obese people (BMI > 30) or people who want to achieve their weight loss goal faster. Now you plan 3 fasting days alternating with 4 non-fasting days.

4:3 dieet

With the last 2 programs you will see that viewed in a week there is a strong reduction in calorie intake. If the calorie intake is less than the calorie expenditure, weight loss will result. It is of course important that you ensure that you have a balanced intake of the various macronutrients (carbohydrates – proteins – fats) during the non-fasting days . After all, each nutrient has a specific function for our body. Nice tips for the non-fasting days:

  • Aim for increased protein intake through protein-rich snacks. On the one hand, proteins ensure better and longer satiety. On the other hand, proteins also help to maintain your muscle mass.
  • Keep the evenings on non-fasting days as low in carbohydrates as possible.
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