Stress has a major impact on your daily life

Being stimulated, worrying, not being able to think clearly, … these are all consequences of stress. Whoever says that he/she is never stressed is probably lying. Stress is completely normal and everyone experiences it from the mildest to the most extreme forms.
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Stress heeft een grote invloed op je dagelijks leven -
De impact van Stress

Being stimulated, worrying, not being able to think clearly, … these are all consequences of stress. Whoever says that he/she is never stressed is probably lying. Stress is completely normal and everyone experiences it from the mildest to the most extreme forms.

What is stress?

Stress, wat nu ?

Stress is actually a tension and a kind of survival mechanism that you experience. That tension stirs up your alertness, your ability to concentrate increases and you prepare your body to take action. by fight or flight. Your heart beats faster, you have a faster breathing and pulse rate, your muscles tense and adrenaline is released into the blood.

In addition to the hormone adrenaline, your body also produces the stress hormone cortisol, if the danger has not disappeared in the short term. Cortisol makes you better able to deal with a stressful situation, but a high cortisol level can have a bad influence on your health. You can also experience feelings of defeat and listlessness, because that is also a form of stress.

In healthy situations, stress is only short-lived and your body then needs time to recover. It is only when you experience long-term stress that it can give you physical and psychological health problems and that it controls your life. People quickly tend to ignore those complaints and go on with their lives, but it doesn't work that way. In the end, many people end up in a vicious circle, resulting in overwork or burnout.

Which complaints and signals indicate stress?

Stress can be accompanied by various complaints. Here is an overview of the most common complaints:

Physical complaints

  • Headache
  • Sleep problems
  • Muscle pain
  • Palpitations
  • Pressure on chest
  • Wrong breathing
  • Feeling tired and lethargic
  • Gastric and intestinal disorders
  • Twitch

Mental complaints

  • Being stimulated
  • Crying spells
  • Feeling tense and restless
  • Gloomy and pessimistic thinking
  • Dispersed and forgetful
  • Concentration problems
  • Worrying

Changes in behavior

  • Eating too much or very little
  • Induce bad habits: medication, alcohol and smoking
  • Lower libido
  • Being constantly tense
  • No energy

What events can cause stress?

Stess, hoe kijk je aan tegen het leven ?

Everyone experiences a certain amount of stress in a different way. While one person has a lot of stress to give a presentation, the other can control himself well. That has to do with your capacity and the burden of the amount of stress. Suppose you are someone with a high capacity, you will be able to manage stressful situations better than someone with a low capacity.

Any situation can cause stress:

  • Positive events such as a family celebration, a baptism and a wedding
  • Negative stress situations such as the death of a loved one and poor health
  • Everyday situations such as traffic jams, disturbing noises and long queues

Try to manage your stress

Stress therefore has a major impact on our lives and can take over our body and mind if we don't intervene in time. Healthy stress exists, but bad forms of stress certainly exist. Many people suffer from stress. Above all, try to stay calm, write down why you are experiencing stress and try to tackle the problem. Rhodiola is a plant that can help you manage your stress.

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