Reasons why a good immune system is vital

The immune system. Everyone has heard of it and most people know that a good immune system can offer great added value to your general health, especially during the harsh winter days. But why is it so important and how does the immune system work?
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Redenen waarom een goed immuunsysteem levensnoodzakelijk is -
vitamine C voor de immuniteit

The immune system. Everyone has heard of it and most people know that a good immune system can offer great added value to your general health, especially during the harsh winter days. But why is it so important and how does the immune system work?

Our ally in good times and bad

The immune system protects our body against intruders such as microbes, viruses and bacteria. Is the immune system located in 1 place in our body? No! The immune system includes different types of mechanisms such as your skin, intestines, respiratory tract, blood and lymphatic system. Their job is to ensure that our body can distinguish the good from the bad.

The physical barrier or rather the skin forms a protective armor between your body and the environment that exposes you to harmful substances. Your immune system is 24/7 in operation to protect your body from bad invaders like germs and other harmful substances. You would get sick all the time if you didn't have a good immune system and that is exactly what we want to avoid.

Our protector against external danger

There is also a difference between the general and specific immune system. As the name suggests, the general defense system you against all pathogens that try to enter your body. The white blood cells are the soldiers of our general defense system, because they destroy all bad invaders.

Verkouden immuniteit

It specific or acquired immune system develop during your life and try to fight a certain disease each time, because your general defense is not able to destroy those pathogens. What is the biggest difference with the general defense system? Our specific defense system contains memory cells. This allows our specific defense to recognize previous pathogens and your body can fight the infection faster when it is infected. In this way, you become immune to that pathogen and you can no longer get sick.

A dynamic factor

Your general immune system kicks in from birth, while your specific immune system only develops later. That's why a child more susceptible for specific viruses because the immune system is not yet strong in the first years of life.

The effectiveness of your immune system decreases over time, making it harder to distinguish the bad invaders from the good ones, which is also why autoimmune diseases occur more often in later life.

The golden key(s) to a better immune system

How do you ensure that you have a well-developed immune system? There is no magic miracle cure that can give you a top immune system in 1,2,3. There are factors that can have a positive influence on your immune system.

  1. Healthy and varied food

We can't say it enough, but a healthy diet remains essential throughout your life. You can stimulate good intestinal flora by eating food with dairy products to eat such as yoghurt and cheese. Do you mainly want to boost your natural resistance? Then it is good to citrus fruits to consider, as they are a source of vitamin C and antioxidants.

  1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

It is not without reason that specialists recommend using at least 1.5 l water per day. Water keeps the skin healthy and the skin keeps bad invaders from entering your body. In addition to water, green tea a good remedy. Green tea contains many antioxidants, is full of good substances and strengthens the natural resistance.

3. A good sleep pattern

Uitgerust wakker worden

We all know how hard it can be to get to bed early when there's a thrilling movie on TV or you're out with friends. Still, you should try to get to bed early every night same time to go to sleep and 7 to 8 hours later to set your alarm. If you don't do this, you are more likely to get viral infections. Research shows that you are almost three times more likely to catch a cold if you sleep less than 7 hours at night.

    4. Good hygiene

      You may think you wash your hands enough because you do it after every toilet visit. However, it is important to do this in the meantime to prevent the spread of to reduce bacteriaIn addition to hand hygiene, we also recommend changing your towels regularly, changing your bed linen more often and ventilating your home sufficiently to avoid a breeding ground for bacteria.

        5. Stay fit

          Doing nothing all day can be so wonderful, but try to take a break on such rest days. half an hour to exerciseThat half hour can do wonders. It will help you cope better with stress, you will stay in a deeper sleep and you will be less likely to catch viral infections such as a cold.

            6. Avoid gloomy thoughts

              Stress and gloomy thoughts often go hand in hand during difficult times in our lives. Yet, that has a negative influence on our immune system and we will go through life better with the motto 'keep on smiling'.

                7. Take care of your intestinal flora

                  It is not without reason that our intestines are considered our second brain. Billions of bacteria and microorganisms live in your intestines. It is crucial to have healthy intestinal flora because that leads to good resistance. If you intestinal flora in balance is, then it protects us better against bad intruders.

                  Make your body happy

                  It is now clear that a good immune system improves your general health. Do you feel that you are experiencing more and more stress and fatigue lately? Then definitely try Svenssons immunomix.

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