What gives you energy quickly?
Read on cyclingstory.comMany nutrition brands on the market have an extensive range of sports bars. Our personal experience is that there are always some that you like and others that you would rather avoid for the taste. At Svensson they have limited themselves to 4 bars, which we have already discussed here. Now we have been able to try them out ourselves.
Svensson has in its range Salty Caramel, Sweet Orange, Almond Coconut and Blueberry. taste are these bars not to be sneezed at. The salty caramel for example is even worth a snack in between without having done any sports. In terms of use: the packaging opens relatively easily and that is already a first important condition for cycling. Nothing as annoying as a bar that you have to drag open with your teeth and where a small piece of packaging waste comes loose. No problem during our rides with the Svensson bars as fuel.

The nice thing is that you really feel like eating these bars. You can bite, you even have to bite. The composition is not too soft but not too dry either. They are also not too sweet, so you don't automatically get the urge for more, at a time when your body doesn't need it. The bars also contain pieces, so you can nibble on for extra long. This ensures that there is more time between bites, which prolongs the process. Personally, we find this an added value. The bars do feel quite heavy, but digestion went smoothly and didn't require an early toilet visit. That is the most important thing of all. Those who do have digestive problems might benefit more from gels - we will discuss those here soon. Fat content and energy boost are around average for energy bars. So that should absolutely not be an issue not to choose Svensson.